For every child learning to ride a bike is a party with the Peppa Pig 10 inch children's bike!
Safety first! That is why this cool bike has a pedal system so the child can cycle forwards and backwards, a closed chain guard and removable side wheels. Also the comfort is thought of. The beautiful pink Peppa Pig bicycle with blue accents has airless foam tyres that cannot get punctured. To enjoy the bike as long as possible, the saddle and handlebars are adjustable in height.
Officially Licensed Peppa Pig Product.
(*) Recommended retail price - The eventual retail price is defined only by the retailer. Non-binding trade data, including 21% VAT.
(**) No photo may be reproduced, copied, forwarded or disclosed in any way without prior written permission from the respective owner.
When choosing a new children's bike is important that you choose the right size bike. The child must feel safe, therefore it is not wise to choose a bicycle on growth. If the child's is too big and feels the child the child will not learn pleasant. Rather too small than too large.