New shipping rates 2025
Please note!
Due to a price increase by DHL, we are forced to increase our shipping rates from 1 January as well. This applies to single parcels and dropshipping. The increase is as follows.
Please read this carefully to avoid any surprises:
- DHL's larger parcels in the Netherlands and Belgium have remained the same compared to 2024
- The increase for parcels to Germany with DHL has remained limited for dimensions up to 120x60x60 (rate from 15.50 to 16.25)
- Parcels to Germany with DHL for dimensions up to 180x50x100 decreased from €30 to €27.50
- For the above, in addition, if a parcel is heavier than 20 kilos, a surcharge of 4.25 follows
- DHL4you in The Netherlands goes to 9.50
- The rest of the countries with DHL also get an increase, reflected in the file below
A list of bikes over 20 kilos, for which a surcharge applies, can be found here.
A total overview of shipping rates per country can be found here.
We hope for your understanding and best wishes for 2025!